Friday, June 29, 2012

Mod: Gundam 00 Uniqx + Randgris Gundam release

I made this mod especially for EXVS
but the script (00 uniqx) not compatible for it
so I think this is the best time to release it now

GNTD-0000 Gundam 00 Uniqx
script: custom (PUK ver 2.005+)

NVRG-X21S Randgris Gundam
script: custom

Download link: Gundam + Custom Gundam Mods

congratulations everyone
especially for EX team
always creative and always create great works ^^


  1. I wonder which era does Randgris Gundam belong to? Her model number suggests CE/SEED era, I think?

    1. it's my own custom Gundam design
      I create it with mix and match
      actually I want to create feminine look Gundam for ExVS boss

      about the code, it's just to make her look cool... lol
      it shortness from Nova Valkyrie Randgris
      I'm Ragnarok Online fans ^^
